Diastasis Recti Rehabilitation 2.0

Diastasis Recti Rehabilitation 2.0

After over eight years of experience in the field of diastasis recti rehabilitation, helping countless mums regain their postnatal bodies, it's time for an update. The journey through postnatal rehabilitation has taught me a lot. Every mum I have had the privilege of...

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Role of Braces in Diastasis Recti Treatment

Role of Braces in Diastasis Recti Treatment

Introduction: Managing diastasis recti can be a daunting task, with an array of information available that may leave you feeling overwhelmed. In many cases, people consider braces or even surgeries as quick fixes. However, it's crucial to approach this condition with...

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Postnatal Depression in Men

Postnatal Depression in Men

While postnatal depression in mothers gets more attention these days, we can't forget that dad's can experience postnatal depression as well. This is an even less known fact. It's estimated that more around 10 per cent of men suffer depression following the birth of...

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Vegan Gingerbread

Vegan Gingerbread

Ingredients: 400g ground nuts165ml maple syrup50ml unflavored oil30g sugar free applesauce100g dried apricotsZest of 2 orangesorange oil2TL gingerbread spice1 pinch of salt(wafers - but does not have to be) Instructions: Preheat oven to 175degrees Celsius. as...

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Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti

What is a Diastasis Recti? A Diastasis Recti is a gap between the two bellies of the rectus abdominis (Six pack muscles) of 2,7cm or more. The connective tissue in between the muscle tissue is stretched out and cannot withhold pressure from the inside of the core....

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Returning to fitness after a pregnancy

Returning to fitness after a pregnancy

Returning to fitness after having a baby, can feel sometimes challenging. Maybe you are not sure what's good and what's not, or the exercises you did before don't feel right now after giving birth. Maybe also you feel like injuries you acquired during labour are...

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Benefits of bitter Foods

Benefits of bitter Foods

The advantages of bitter substances in our diet What are bitter substances? Bitter substances are all chemical compounds that are activated by T2R (G-protein coupledreceptor) have a bitter taste. Sie können sowohl aus der Natur kommen als auch synthetisch...

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How to cope with anxiety

While I am not a psychologist, I have been struggling with anxiety ever since becoming a mum, 9,5 years ago. Also through my work as a women’s health coach I have worked with loads of women going through the same. I want you to know: You are NOT alone. So many mums...

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Advice for new mums

https://youtu.be/6KoHp8jvF9M Proud to be supporting new mums at this time and we are offering a 60 MINS ONLINE APPOINTMENT for your Post natal check to include: Debrief of your pregnancy and birthDetailed pelvic health screening form reviewReview of pelvic floor and...

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High Impact Fitness after Midwife led Training

High Impact Fitness after Midwife led Training

In Germany, many women are lucky enough to be able to participate in a midwife led recovery program after giving birth. A postnatal course led by midwives to help slowly reactivate and rehabilitate the core. Often this goes between 8 and 10 weeks - but what comes...

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Instant World does not equal Instant Results

Hey there, when was the last time you ordered something online? Were you annoyed when it didn't arrive the next day?Or when was the last time you tried to open a website and it didn't load instantly?When was the last time you sent an email and waited for an instant...

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